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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Bamboo as Concrete Reinforcement

Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world, often reinforced with steel to enhance its tensile strength. However, steel production is energy-intensive and contributes significantly to carbon emissions. As sustainability becomes a priority in construction, researchers and engineers are exploring bamboo as an eco-friendly alternative to steel reinforcement. Bamboo's high tensile strength, rapid growth rate, and renewability make it a promising material for

Material Composition of a Brick

Bricks have been an integral part of construction for centuries, serving as the building blocks of countless structures. The composition of bricks plays a crucial role in determining their properties, strength, durability, and suitability for different applications. Understanding the composition of bricks is essential for architects, engineers,

Tests Applied on Bricks

Brick testing is an essential process to ensure the quality and suitability of bricks for construction purposes. Several tests are conducted to evaluate various properties of bricks. Here are some common tests required for brick testing: Compressive Test, Water Absorption, Efflorescence Test, Warpage Test, Water Absorption Test, Soundness Test, and Dimensional and Shape Tolerance Test.

Methods of Preventing Dampness in Buildings

To prevent dampness in buildings, follow these methods: 1) Choose a suitable site and landscape to divert water away. 2) Install effective drainage systems and maintain them. 3) Apply waterproofing materials on vulnerable areas. 4) Use a damp-proof course to prevent rising damp. 5) Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in moisture-prone areas. 6)

World's First Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Concrete Building

A two-story building locally named Carbonhaus on the campus of Technical University in Dresden, Germany is under construction which will be the first building in the world built entirely on Carbon Reinforced Concrete. The building has a covered area of 2200 Square feet and will be completed with a budget of 5 Million Euros (US$5.63 million).

Key Components of Confined Masonry Building

Masonry walls transmit the gravity load from the slab(s) above, down to the foundation (along with the RC tie-columns). The confined masonry walls are made up of solid clay bricks and act as bracing panels, which resist horizontal earthquake forces acting in-plane. The walls must be confined by RC tie-beams and tie-columns and should not be penetrated by

History, Design and Construction of Taj Mahal

History "A white marble tomb built in 1631-48 in Agra, seat of the Mugal Empire, by Shah Jehan for his wife, Arjuman Banu Begum, the monument sums up many of the formal themes that have played through Islamic architecture. Its refined elegance is a conspicuous contrast both to the Hindu architecture of pre-Islamic India, with its thick walls, corbeled arches, and heavy lintels,

Selection of Stones for Building Construction

Once a stone has been selected on aesthetic basis, it is important than to ensure whether it exhibits the necessary physical properties and durability to remain in working condition for a long time. Confirm the traditional name of the stone and test it in the field for properties like streak, color, hardness etc. It is better to confirm whether the amount and quality of stone

How to Build a Stone Wall?

To assist in your stacking, sort the stone by size; setting aside the smallest pieces to use as shims (these will help level unsteady larger stones). Prepare for this activity by stretching well and always lift using your arms and legs, not your back Shims (shown far right), or smaller stones, help level unsteady larger pieces. Map out the design by digging a trench about 6" deep and as wide as

Differences between stone and brick masonry

First of all, in brick masonry, brick is the smallest structural unit and in stone construction stone is the smallest structural unit. Stone masonry is usually used in rural areas and its best kind, which is very costly can be used for very strong construction. In brick masonry the size and shape of the brick matters a lot but not in stone masonry. The discontinuity of joints is important in both

Structural Elements of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Concrete is a stone like substance obtained by permitting a carefully proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel or other aggregate and water to harden in forms of the shape and of dimensions of the desired structure. Long horizontal or inclined members with limited width and height are called beams. Their main function is to transfer loads from the slab to the columns.

Structural & Non Structural Defects in Building Construction

Concrete is very versatile material. It can be cast in place with or without reinforcement. It can also be precast or prestressed in order to achieve the required strength. In order to achieve the required strength. There is the need of proper understanding of its behavior and constituents that are making the concrete. Any type of negligence in any of its phase like placement, design & maintenance

Reasons to Keep Factor of Safety in Building Construction

Factor of Safety in buildings or other construction is kept so that to compensate any uncertainty in the design process. The uncertainty could come from anywhere in the design process including calculations, material strengths, environmental conditions, natural phenomenons, duty of the structure and last but not the least quality of materials used. Though there exist some

Types of Bricks and Classification of Bricks based on different Factors

Classification of Bricks Based on Quality Based on uses Based on Composition Based on Manufacturing Process Tests for Bricks Compression Test Soundness Test Water Absorption Test Efflorescence Test Dimensional Tolerance Composition of a Brick Normally, brick contains the following ingredients by weight

Design of Formwork for Building Loads

Self load shall be determined by either actual measurement or in accordance with IS 875 (Part I) the unit weight of wet concrete including reinforcement shall be taken as 26 kN/m². However, in absence of the data, load may be assumed as 500 N/M2 for the purpose of initial calculations. Loads during constructional operation shall constitute the imposed loads [see IS 875 (Part 2 ) Where

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