Concrete Placement Checklist

Before starting of concrete casting the below items in the concrete placement checklist should be checked to be in place and should be ticked one by one:
- The approved concrete mix design must be in hand.
- The cement must be as per the approved mix design and fresh.
- The cement must be stored properly inside a closed container, room or must be stored on an elevated flat form and covered properly with tarpaulin.
- The aggregate must be as per the approved mix design and free of soil and organic matter.
- The admixture must be as per the approved concrete mix design and the container should have label on it.
- The water must be clean.
- The formwork must be checked to be strong enough and the length, width and thickness must be as per the approved drawings.
- The tests result of the reinforcement must be available on site.
- The reinforcement must be installed as per the approved drawings and project specification.
- The reinforcement must be clean without corrosion.
- The spacers must be as per the approved drawings.
- The spacing between the reinforcement bars must be as per the approved drawings.
- The underlying layer must be compacted to the specified percentage and the test result must be present on site.
- The under laying layer should be sprinkled by water prior to concrete casting.
- The under laying layer should be clean and free of any loose material.
- At least two vibrators should be available on site.
- All the testing equipment like slump test equipment, thermometer, six 30 cm by 15 cm (12” x 6”) standard cylinders, and air meter for measuring of air content must be available on site.
- Approved material for concrete curing (like burlap's and bags) should be available on site.
- Professional and experienced concrete crew must be available and ready on site.
- All concrete must be machine mixing.
- Each batch of concrete must be poured within a maximum of 90 minutes. The time should be started from addition of water to cement.
- All the tests (strength test, slump test, temperature measurement, Air content measurement) must be conducted as per the project specification.
- The concrete plant or the concrete mixer must be checked properly before starting the concrete.
- The time between the two to batch of concrete should not be greater than 30 minutes.
- The concrete should be vibrated properly.
- Joint location must be as per the approved drawings.