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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Importance of Drainage in Roads

An increase in moisture content causes decrease in strength or stability of soil mass, depending on type of soil and mode of stress application. Following are some of the effects of poor drainage system in Roads and Highways: Highway constructed on embankment slopes may damage due to slop failures the reason for which is excess moisture content which causes increase

Types of Surface Distresses in Road Pavements

Following are the types of distresses found in roads: Longitudinal Wheel Path Cracking (LWP), Longitudinal Joint Cracking (LJC), Pavement Edge Cracking (PEC), Transverse Cracking, Meandering Longitudinal Cracking (MLC), Alligator Cracking (AC), Rutting (RUT), Shoving

Components of Road Structure | Methods of Construction of Road Structure

1. Subgrade is the foundation of the road, thus its the lowest and most important component of road structure. 2. SUB BASE Consists of a. Upper Base Courseb. Sub or Lower Base Course... If natural surface is above the formation level then the surface is cut down to proposed sub grade surface If natural surface is below the formation level then the sub grade will be above the

Highway Drainage Design, Structures and Guidelines

Includes collecting, transporting, and disposing of surface/subsurface water originating on or near the highway right of way or flowing in streams crossing bordering that right of way. Drainage of highway is important because water damage highway structure in many ways. The water which are dangerous for highways are: Rainwater: Cause erosion on surface or may

Typical Cross Section of Roads and Highways

In meeting oncoming vehicle or passing slower ones, the portion selected by a driver depends primarily on the paved surfaced width of the highway. The width of the surfaced road and the no of lanes should are adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated and the assumed design speed of vehicles.

Types of Roads - Design & Functional Classification of Roads

A road network is composed of various types of roads, each of which performs a particular service in facilitating vehicular travel between points of trip origin and destination, and in providing access to property. Road classification is the orderly grouping of roads into systems according to the type and degree of service they provide to the public. Consideration for

Location Survey for Roads & Highways

The aim of location survey is to select a route with the following points kept in mind: 1. With reasonable economy it should meet the minimum requirement regarding curvature and grades. 2. To produce an easy riding (traveling), free flowing traffic artery that has a high capacity and it meets all the safety standards. 3. The location survey should recognize and evaluate the

Road Construction Machinery

Road construction equipment are found in a wide variety ranging from the very heavy equipment to portable and lighter equipment. These modern and high construction equipment make the construction job easier and quicker. Also the work done my heavy machinery is of good quality, this is the reason that we find a wide variety of equipment at every construction site.

Classification of Roads - Arterial, Collector, Local Roads

Karachi is enormous and vast and comes among the largely populated cities of the world. Traveling is a major need of every city , people travel everyday to work, to learn, to shop and do many other daily life chores. Everyone wants to get to their destination quickly and safely with spending the least traveling cost. Hence a good transportation system is an

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