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Applications of Software in Traffic Engineering

It is the mathematical modeling of transportation systems (e.g., freeway junctions, arterial routes, roundabouts, downtown grid systems, etc.) through the application of computer software to better help plan, design and operate transportation systems. Simulation in transportation is important because it can study models too complicated for analytical or

Trip Distribution Models

The gravity model is the most popular of all the trip distribution models. It allows the effect of differing physical planning strategies, travel costs and transportation systems to be taken into account. Within it, existing data is analyzed in order to obtain a relationship between trip volumes and the generation. The cells within a trip matrix indicate the number of trips

Factors Affecting Trip Generation in Traffic Studies

The trip generation aims at predicting the total number of trips generated and attracted to each zone of the study area. In other words this stage answers the questions to / how many trips" originate at each zone, from the data on household and socioeconomic attributes. Purpose of the trip generation studies is to predict the number of the trips to be made

Travel Demand Forecasting (Analysis)

Trip generation models strive to predict the number of trips generated by a zone. These models try to mathematically describe the decision-to-travel phase of the sequential demand analysis procedure. It may be mentioned here that typically the term trip generation is used to mean trip production -- generally the trips made from households, and trip attraction

Traffic Volume Study - Definition, Methods and Importance

The term traffic volume study can be termed as traffic flow survey or simply the traffic survey. It is defined as the procedure to determine mainly volume of traffic moving on the roads at a particular section during a particular time. Toll Plazas are now a day constructed for the collection of revenue from the road users. This process is very efficient for collection of

Traffic Control Plan - Check List & Guide Lines

The basic objective of each traffic control plan (TCP) is to permit the contractor to work within the public right of way efficiently and effectively, while maintaining a safe, uniform flow of traffic. Both construction work and the public must be given equal consideration when developing a traffic control plan. In addition, when considering the public, attention must be given

Passenger Car Unit - Definition & Examples

It is a vehicle unit used for expressing highway capacity. One car is considered as a single unit, cycle, motorcycle is considered as half car unit. Bus , truck causes a lot of inconvenience because of its large size and is considered equivalent to 3 cars or 3 PCU. Volume: Number of vehicles crossing a point on the road during a specific time period. It is carried out for:

Mass Transit System - Advantages of Mass Transit System

Mass transit system refers to public shared transportation, such as trains, buses, ferries etc that can commute a larger number of passengers from origin to destination on a no-reserved basis and in lesser time. It can also be termed as Public Transport. Rapid transit is an important form of mass transit such as subways and surface light rail systems, designed for

Traffic Information Dissemination Media

TV (full time versus conventional news cast), Easy access to traffic hotspots on UW2.TV, Channel 76 on digital cable, Low cost to public (user), Higher cost to disseminator, Short duration message, Misses details, some geographic areas, Only for pre-trip information, Generally not available on demand. Radio Low cost to public (user), Short duration message

Types of 'Timing of Information Delivery'

Information differs depending on what you want / expect to be done with that information General information (congestion/accident ahead) Routing (use alternative routes / modes – usually needs to include specific directions Potential effect is based on when you provide the desired information: Change route, Change mode (if P&R is viable alternative), Give up trip

Types of Traffic Models

Microsimulation models track individual vehicle movements on a second or sub second basis. Microsimulation relies on random numbers to generate vehicles, select routing decisions, and determine behavior. Because of this variation, it is necessary to run the model several times with different random number seeds to obtain the desired accuracy. There will be a

Uses, Installation and Color for Raised Pavement Markers

Based on the simple principle of the law of reflection these simple road safety gadgets are known worldwide. The cat's eye falls in the category of raised pavement markers and is a retro reflective safety device used in road marking. It originated back in the 19th century and is used

Traffic Load - Definition and Analysis

This is the role of the Pavement Engineer and involves determining the loading on the road to be carried forward to the Pavement Design. The role of the pavement engineer is to provide an adequate thickness of pavement to carry the expected loads without deterioration of the network during the design life. The estimated or projected magnitude and occurrence of

Advanced Traveler Information System

ATIS for arterials provides information on arterial conditions (e.g., travel speeds, travel time, incidents) to motorists through such media as websites, radio, television, or personal devices. This limited dissemination is in part due to the lack of surveillance on arterial streets. Another challenge is the absence of a commonly understood method of describing

ITS Architecture / Hierarchy / Layers

It is a conceptual design that defines the structure and/or behavior of an integrated Intelligent Transport System (ITS). ITS Architecture provides a framework to guide the planning and deployment of ITS technologies. The program facilitates the ability of jurisdictions to operate

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