What is Bar Bending Schedule - Definition, Format & Software

What is bar bending Schedule?
Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) is basically the representation of bend shapes and cut length of bars as per structure drawings. BBS is prepared from construction drawings. For each member separate BBS is prepared because bars are bended in various shapes depending on the shape of member.

Sample Bar Bending Schedule
Bar Bending Schedule Format
Different formats are adopted by different firms but all includes the basic items i.e.
- Item or Member or Location
- Description or Bar Mark or Bar Code
- Bar No.
- Spacing (mostly used for ties, stirrups etc)
- Shape of Bar or Shape code
from (a). IS 2502 – 1963 (b).
BS 8666: 2005
- No. of Bars
- Cut Length
- No. of Items
- Total Length
- Total Weight summary
Shape code just give you the standard shapes of bars, so shape of the bars can be of any type & Non standard shapes must be accompanied with appropriate dimensioned drawings.
Who prepares Bar-Bending-Schedule
Contractor or Consultant? Depends on common practice and also depend on type of structures for which bar bending schedule is prepared. For instance in Bridges construction it is common practice that consultant prepare BBS. In common buildings construction most of the time contractor prepare BBS.
Bar bending schedule Software
- Microsoft Excel Spread sheet
- RebarCAD
- BAR-BE-QUE (BBS & Quantity Estimation of reinforcement steel)
- MultiREBAR
- Autodesk Products (e.g AutoCad Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit, Autorebar for AutoCad etc)
There are a lot of bar-bending schedule software available on internet but most people use EXCEL worksheets.
- If consultant is preparing the bar bending schedule then It is structural engineer responsibility to check the bar bending schedule that whether it comply with his design or not before submitting.
- Tolerance for cutting and bending dimensions should be taken into account while preparing bar bending schedule.
- Dimensions for bent bar should be out-to-out dimensions