Design of Sanitary Landfill Site

Site Preparations:
The following steps should be taken that are necessary to be taken for detail design of proposed landfill site & development of treatment process concerning to site preparation:
- Topographic survey of site
- Detail leveling of site
- Contour plan
- Cutting of 150 mm top soil of whole area and saving it for earth cover over the solid waste.
- Preparing site for proper drainage of rain water by cutting of high level ground and giving it a down slope 1:400. Soil obtained from this cutting is used in providing the embankment of fencing of area
- Construction of road of greater width, to facilitate the trucks approaching to developmental site
- Providing infrastructure with all accessories at site to facilitate the workers.
Also See: Types of Medical Waste
Parameters Adopted For Design:
Following parameters are adequately considered in design of sanitary landfill site:
- All the calculations are based upon the population of city
- It is considered that 30% of waste generated is land filled, 60% is composted, while the remaining 10% is recycled.
- Waste will be compacted in four layers one below the ground level and three above ground level. Depth of each layer will be 2 m.
- Excavated soil will be used as cover material.
- Cover for intermediate layers will be 0.15 m while final layer will be covered by 0.6 m (2 ft) of cover material.
- Excavation for one year will be made in advance.
- A bond will be provided in each layer after one year.
- Waste will be compacted to density of 1000-1300 kg/m3.
- Embankments will be provided at periphery high enough to enclose the site with the fencing mounted on top.