Factors Affecting Location and Necessity of Spillways

Necessity of Spillways
- The height of the dam is always fixed according to the maximum reservoir capacity. The normal pool level indicates the maximum capacity of the reservoir. The water is never stored in the reservoir above this level. The dam may fail by over turning so, for the safety of the dam the spillways are essential.
- The top of the dam is generally utilized by making road. The surplus water is not be allowed to over top the dam, so to stop the over topping by the surplus water, the spillways become extremely essential.
- To protect the downstream base and floor of the dam from the effect of scouring and erosion, the spillways are provided so that the excess water flows smoothly.
Location of Spillway
Generally, the spillways are provided at the following places:
- Spillways may be provided within the body of the dam.
- Spillways may sometimes be provided at one side or both sides of the dam.
- Sometimes by-pass spillway is provided which is completely separate from the dam.