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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Engineering Properties of Silt and Clay

Silt and Clay are considered to be smaller family members of soil group, Even small amounts of fines can have significant effects on the engineering properties of soils. If as little as 10 percent of the particles in sand and gravel are smaller than the No.200 sieve size, the soil can be virtually impervious, especially when the coarse grains are well graded. Silica is decided to be
By Haseeb Jamal - Jun 08, 2017

Civil Engineering Syllabus - Civil Engineering Courses

Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics Lab, Engineering Drawing Engineering Materials, Computer Applications in Civil Engg. & Communications, Applied Linear Algebra, Electrical Technology, Mechanics of Solids, Computer Programming for Civil

Mechanics of Solids Lecture Notes

It is the combination of physical, mathematical, and computer laws and techniques to predict the behavior of solid materials that are subjected to mechanical or thermal loadings. It is the branch of mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid matter under external actions. The external actions may be: External Force Temperature Change Displacement

Measurements in Surveying

In Surveying all measurements are horizontal, can be inclined; reduce to horizontal and vertical components in plotting. Distance between 2 points on a plan or map is always horizontal distance irrespective of their elevation,(distance between their projection on horizontal plane). How are these Measured and which instrument should I use? Distances (Horizontal):

Types of Surface Distresses in Road Pavements

Following are the types of distresses found in roads: Longitudinal Wheel Path Cracking (LWP), Longitudinal Joint Cracking (LJC), Pavement Edge Cracking (PEC), Transverse Cracking, Meandering Longitudinal Cracking (MLC), Alligator Cracking (AC), Rutting (RUT), Shoving

Techniques for Sewer Condition Assessment

Zoom cameras Closed-circuit television Digital scanners Laser profilers Remote sensing diagnostic techniques Zoom cameras Cost and time saving preliminary inspections 
 Main premise is that most of sewer problems occur at or near maintenance holes 
 Provide good quality imagery up to 20-75 m pipe length Able to survey 150 to 1525 mm diameter sewers 

Factors Affecting Selection of UUL Technologies

Every underground utility locating technology has its own limitations. 
There is no single technology that can be used for every type of utility, soil type, and site. Many factors, including characteristics of expected underground utilities, geological conditions at the site, environmental

Underground Utility Locating Technologies

The most widely used approach for wastewater pipelines condition assessment is to define condition states based on a set of variables collected by visual inspections. A state is defined as “a combination of specific level of variables that provides a complete description of the dynamic behavior of the system”. The current condition of an asset and its likely rate of

Chemical Characteristics of Sewage - BOD, COD, Nutrients, DO

In sanitary sewage about 75 % of suspended solids and 40% of filterable solids are organic. These solids are derived from both animals, plant and humans. Organic compounds usually consist of C; H; O; N along with S; P and Iron. The organic substances found in sewage are Protein (40-60%); Carbohydrates (25-50%), fats and oils (10%). Along with these organic

Physical Characteristics of Sewage

Following are the detailed physical characteristics of Sewage: Temperature, Color, Odor, Solids, Total Solids, Total suspended Solids, Fixed and Volatile Solids. Oxygen is less soluble in warm water, while some species of aquatic life population increases with temperature causing more demand of oxygen and result in depletion of dissolved oxygen in summer.

Purpose and Objectives of Urban Drainage System

Additionally, the impact of drain and sewer systems on the receiving waters shall meet the requirements of national regulations (NEQS) or the relevant authority. The purpose of Urban drainage is: It is the control of environmental pollution, improve environmental quality to enable healthy ecosystem and comfortable habitation to human. To maintain such

Design of Precast Parabolic Channels in Peshawar

Discrepancy feature is the conveyance losses (35 to 50%). Irrigation system of KPK (Province of Pakistan) is facing severe Operational problems including water scarcity, water logging, and salinity. Reason was due to the traditional brick lining. The following steps are involved

Approximate Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

Conventional design process is normally based on the ‘local’ structural elements (column, beam, floor slabs, wall, etc.) But theoretical and experimental studies have shown that structural systems cannot be considered to be a simple collection of individual elements. The responses of the structure is often more than the ‘sum’ of the responses of individual elements since

Chemical Seasoning and Preservatives of Wood

There are 3 main classes of preservatives Oily substances insoluble in water Water-soluble salts Salts carried in volatile solvent other than water. A) Oily Preservatives Coal-tar is the best known ►most widely used preservative Obtained from bituminous coal Available in many grades ► gives satisfactory results

Analysis of Multi-Storey Structures in SAP2000

Analysis of 3D Frame (Multi-Storey) using SAP2000

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