Factors Affecting Type of Canal Lining

Following are the Factors Affecting Type of Canal Lining:
Imperviousness of Canal Lining
When the canal passes through the sandy soil the seepage loss is at maximum and the canal is unstable. So, to make the canal perfectly impervious and reasonably stable, the most impervious types of linings should be recommended such as cement concrete etc.
Smoothness of Canal Lining
The smoothness of the canal bed and sides increases the velocity of flow which further increases the discharge of the canal. Due to the increased discharge, the duty of water will be more. So, to increase the duty, the canal surface should be made smooth. The lining like cement concrete, pre-cast cement concrete etc gives smooth surface to the canal.
Durability of Canal Lining
The ultimate benefit of any project depends on the durability of the hydraulic structures, canals, etc. So, to make the canal section more durable against all adverse effects like scouring, erosion, weather action, etc. the most strong and impervious types of lining should be recommended.
Economy of Canal Lining
The lining should be economically viable with the benefits that may be accrued from the expected revenue, yield of crop, etc. So, by studying the overall benefits the type of lining should be recommended.
Site Condition
Another Factor Affecting Type of Canal Lining is the site condition. The canal may pass through the marshy land, loose sandy soil, alluvial soil, black clayey soil, hard soil, etc. So, according to the soil and site condition the type of lining should be recommended.
Life of Project
Every project should be designed to serve the future three or four decades successfully. The type of lining should be recommended keeping in mind the life of the project.
Availability of Construction Materials
The expenditure of lining depends on the availability of construction materials, carriage charges, etc. To reduce the expenditure of lining, the materials which are available in the vicinity of the project should be utilized.